Saturday, February 18, 2012

Stillwater Bluffs Park - PRPAWS request of Powell River Regional District

Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society (1992)
Box 345, Powell River, BC, V8A 5C2

February 13, 2012

Colin Palmer, Chair
Powell River Regional District
5776 Marine Avenue,
Powell River, BC
V8A 2M4

Dear Mr. Palmer,

Re: Stillwater Bluffs

Last Thursday at its regular quarterly meeting PRPAWS passed a motion to write a letter to the Regional District.

PRPAWS requests that the Board of the Powell River Regional District negotiate with Island Timberlands LP the acquisition of Stillwater Bluffs (DL 3040) for the purpose of establishing it as a regional park.

PRPAWS also requests a moratorium on harvesting of the Stillwater Bluffs  in the meantime to allow negotiations to proceed and come to fruition.

Thank you very much for considering the above requests.

Sincerely yours,

Eagle Walz
President, PRPAWS

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