Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stillwater Bluffs - PR Regional District High Priority Acquisition #5

The Powell River Regional District held extensive community consultations before establishing the Powell River Regional District Parks and Greenspace Plan in November 2010. In this plan the Board of the Powell River Regional District identified the Stillwater Bluffs as one of their six High Priority Parks Acquisition sites.

PRPAWS supports the Regional District working with Island Timberlands, the City and others on realizing its High Priority Park Acquisitions, primarily Stillwater Bluffs (DL 3040) at this time.


The first link below will take you the PRRD online document  - and page 52 will speak to Stillwater Bluffs. It is also excerpted at the bottom of this post in Italics. You might have to copy and paste them into the URL line.

The second link is a map of the area of and around the Stillwater Bluffs  (DL 3040)

Powell River Regional District Parks and Greenspace Plan - 2010

Recommendation 5: 


Prioritize the acquisition of Stillwater Bluffs.
Stillwater Bluffs is a popular recreational destination for both
residents and visitors to the PRRD. The area is characterized by
rocky coastal bluffs, spectacular ocean views and waterfront
access. It is highly valued by the public as an area for hiking, rock
climbing, wildlife viewing and swimming. However, the site is
privately owned all recreational use of the site is currently
unauthorized. Portions of the site have a sensitive ecosystem
classification of “herbaceous,” containing shallow soils with
bedrock outcroppings, grasses, moss, lichen and low shrubs.
Due to the site’s conservation values, traditional public use,
recreational potential and use by residents from all areas of the
region and beyond, it is designated as having high potential for a
waterfront park.
Stillwater Bluffs is located south of the
City of Powell River in Electoral Area C,
on a point between Frolander Bay and
Stillwater Bay.
Existing Land Ownership
The site is owned by a private forest company, Island Timberlands.


above excerpt from PRRD Parks and Greenspace Plan - 2010

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